[vc_row el_class=”theme-padding-top-0″][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_templatica_template template_id=”297″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ el_class=”theme-column-style-3 theme-margin-bottom-0″][vc_swimacademy_theme_header_subheader label=”Find out more” header=”Health, Safety, and Learning\nThrough Having Fun” text_normal=”The Swim Academy school conducts classes for both children and adults in the field of swimming, diving as well as aqua aerobics. Perfectly trained staff in a calm and pleasant atmosphere will make each participant of the course overcome the fear of water and learn various swimming techniques so that they can choose their favorite one.”][vc_custom_heading text=”Why you should trust us?” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_class=”theme-margin-top-style-3 theme-margin-bottom-style-3″][vc_templatica_template template_id=”100″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” el_class=”theme-background-color-5″][vc_column width=”1/2″ el_class=”theme-column-style-2″][vc_swimacademy_theme_header_subheader label=”Safe and Fun” header=”What Makes Swim Academy\nStand Out From the Others” css_class=”theme-margin-bottom-style-3″][vc_swimacademy_theme_tab][vc_swimacademy_theme_tab_item header=”Learn while having fun”][vc_swimacademy_theme_header_subheader align=”none” text_bold=”The priority in our school is taking care of the health and safety of users and learning through fun. That is why parents are so eager to enroll their children in our school.” text_normal=”We understand that as a parent, your child’s safety is paramount. At Swim Academy, we believe your swimmers deserve to be in the best hands at all times, which is why our instructors go through an extensive recruitment process and a comprehensive training period. In addition, we always try to keep our classes small and provide a maximum number of instructors.”][/vc_swimacademy_theme_tab_item][vc_swimacademy_theme_tab_item header=”Small classes”][vc_swimacademy_theme_header_subheader align=”none” text_bold=”The priority in our school is taking care of the health and safety of users and learning through fun. That is why parents are so eager to enroll their children in our school.” text_normal=”We understand that as a parent, your child’s safety is paramount. At Swim Academy, we believe your swimmers deserve to be in the best hands at all times, which is why our instructors go through an extensive recruitment process and a comprehensive training period. In addition, we always try to keep our classes small and provide a maximum number of instructors.”][/vc_swimacademy_theme_tab_item][vc_swimacademy_theme_tab_item header=”Great team”][vc_swimacademy_theme_header_subheader align=”none” text_bold=”The priority in our school is taking care of the health and safety of users and learning through fun. That is why parents are so eager to enroll their children in our school.” text_normal=”We understand that as a parent, your child’s safety is paramount. At Swim Academy, we believe your swimmers deserve to be in the best hands at all times, which is why our instructors go through an extensive recruitment process and a comprehensive training period. In addition, we always try to keep our classes small and provide a maximum number of instructors.”][/vc_swimacademy_theme_tab_item][/vc_swimacademy_theme_tab][vc_swimacademy_theme_button label=”Learn more” url=”#” css_class=”theme-margin-top-style-3″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_templatica_template template_id=”301″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_swimacademy_theme_header_subheader align=”center” label=”Testimonials” header=”Client’s Opinion” css_class=”theme-margin-bottom-style-2″][vc_templatica_template template_id=”197″][/vc_column][/vc_row]